EAP just updated itself - now no scala plugin


Installed latest EAP this morning 145.184. Doesn't recognise Scala. No scala listed when I browse repositories. Nothing in the release notes.

Is there a way of finding out in advance if the intellij EAP is going to totally screw up by not supporting Scala?

It's kinda inconvenient. I don't mind bugs but removing altogether is a real nuisance.


Sorry for inconveniences. We will try to avoid such situations in future, as long-term task we are going to warn users about EAP updates in case if some plugin is not available. It's important not only for Scala plugin itself, but for third-party plugins too, as some plugin can be important for users for them, so it will not be necessary to update to the latest EAP if you know exactly that you will revert back immediately.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

Permanently deleted user

+1, this is incredibly inconvenient.


I had the same problem last night. The EAP channel Scala plugin has just been updated to version - now it's back working with 145.184.

Preferences->Language & Frameworks->Scala->Updates TAB, select Plugin update channel EAP.



