Kotlin UI DSL 2 - working with dynamic lists of objects


Hi, I have read the docks regarding UI DSL version 2, and build settings that have static structure, where all the dynamic data are just text areas that accept JSON, that is decoded into data objects, this obviously is not ideal, and I would like to refactor this into something more reliable i.e. list of items with +/- buttons.

In DSL docs I was unable to find how to work with this kind of data, nor did I see anything of that kind in DSL showcase, all is just static form.

Is there some example or recommendation/lead that could help me with this?


Hi, thank you for suggestion, is there some example anywhere how this could be used? The docs aren't exactly descriptive in this case.


`com.intellij.internal.ui.sandbox.dsl.PlaceholderPanel` available in the IDE via internal action “UI Sandbox” (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/enabling-internal.html

