I can't change the copyright info on new appcode classes

I've checked my template files in the folder:

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/File\ Templates/Cocoa\ Touch/Objective-C\ class.xctemplate/NSObject

And they look like:


//  ___FILENAME___



//  Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.



I set the flags using :

defaults write com.apple.ProjectBuilder PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{ "COPYRIGHT" = "Copyright (c) xxxxx 2014";}'

However, appcode copletely ignores this when I create a new file. I raised a bug on this last year, which is marked as fixed.. so how do I update the variables in my header file in appcode?

thanks and merry christmas and happy new year :D


Hi George,
I've created an issue - http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/OC-8957.
What stops you from using AppCode's new file templates (File | New Class)?

Permanently deleted user


I didn't know I could do that.. I never found the Objective c file header.m file before - and assumed it was an xcode thing.. I just saw the includes tag :)

all good now..

though saying that.. it'd be so nice to be able to change the include file on a per project basis ;)

