AppCode is slow
I love, love, love AppCode. It beats the pants of Xcode for refactorings, movement, features, editing, everything, except...'s painfully slow right now.
I know this is the EAP, but how much faster are you planning to make it? Currrently on my MacBook Pro with 4G RAM and SSD it's totally unusable - it freezes randomly, sometimes for seconds, sometimes for minutes.
This is the biggest thing preventing me from moving to AppCode right now. If it weren't for this, I'd seriously consider working exclusively in it right now.
It'd be great to have a rough timeline of when you think it'll be usably fast.
One last thing - is there any "nice to haves" that I can turn off and thus get it a bit faster?
Please provide some details. Is it slow on all kinds of projects, even on small ones? (like samples from Apple documentation). When does it freeze, during completion, typing, searching, opening the project? How much memory does appCode use? (it's displayed at the lower right corner). How large is the curent file you are editing?
Please take a cpu and a memoty snaphots of the moments when AppCode freezes (
If you can exactly tell the moment AppCode freezes, please attach the threaddumps from under '~/Library/Logs/AppCode10/ directory and write the exact time we should look for.
Please provide some details. Is it slow on all kinds of projects, even on small ones? (like samples from Apple documentation).
I'm currently working with a 40,000 line codebase on my main project and I'm test driving AppCode with this. Not extensively tried it with smaller codebases.
When does it freeze, during completion, typing, searching, opening the project?
All of the above! It freezes most when typing, completion and after refactors. Sometimes it can be a whole minute freezing when I type the first few characters of a variable or class.
How much memory does appCode use? (it's displayed at the lower right corner).
You can see from the screencast, but it was using about 350M of 700M.
How large is the curent file you are editing?
The file I was editing in the screen recording below was 80 lines. It seemed that the project size was the limiting factor in these delays.
I've made a screen recording together with an Instruments trace:
All the times when the cursor is flashing in AppCode are when it's freezing - the spinning beachball of death was visible although the screencast didn't record it. After a long delay it puts up the autocomplete over the top of other windows.
The screen recording was started at almost the same time as the Instruments trace so you should be able to roughly line them up to see what was going on when.
Hope this helps! Anything else I can do to supply debugging info, just let me know. I'm really keen to help you get AppCode to a usable speed - the sooner the better for me!
I'm also attaching the whole appCode10 logs directory so hope this helps too.
Did you find the reason and a solution for this problem?
I am experiencing the same. AppCode is really a great product, but (very) often it is unusable slow. Then I cannot type a single line without waiting for about 20-30 seconds after every few words. E.g. I just typed " } else" and then I tried to mark some code with the mouse. AppCode froze and I had to wait 30 seconds before it became responsive again and I could mark the code. Then I copied a line of code (which worked fine) and then I wanted to place the cursor into that line by clicking on the line. Again it took about 30 seconds before the cursor was placed in the line and I could type. These "freezes" happen all the time now, but sometimes I can work with the program for a while without these problems. The memory indicator in the lower right corner displays "223 of 508M". I use AppCode in 32-bit mode.
What can I do to fix these freezes? Apart from that I like AppCode very much!
Kind regards
How large is your project (the number of source files)?
Could you also take the snapshot as described above?
The project contains 307 *.m files and additionally about the same number of header files. One header file contains a lot of macros which are used as some kind of constants. Adding an additional macro makes everything very slow, too.
I found a few files in the directory you mentioned. They don't contain all times when it took longer then 5 (or 10) seconds, but at least some of them. I would like to send the files by email instead of posting them here. Can I send them to "" and tell them to forward the files to you?
Kind regards
Please mail them to
Thank you!
Now it was stuck for over 10 minutes, even with "Power save mode" turned on. The "idea.log" log didn't contain anything about it, but I have attached a lot of thread dumps from that time.
Kind regards
Thank you for the dumps. Could you also do one more thing: there is a button "Capture CPU usage data" on the toolbar (to show the toolbar, use "View | Toolbar"). Press this button before AppCode freezes (before you type). When it wakes up, unpress this button, CPU snapshot will be saved. The more time AppCode freezes the better. Send please the snapshot to
Is it correct that this snapshot contains only CPU usage data and does not contain parts of my project's sources (like a memory snapshot would probably contain)?
Kind regards
Both CPU and memory snapshots don't contain any parts of your sources. They contain stack traces and method names of AppCode sources.
According to dumps most of the time was spent in the scope view. Please try to switch off the scope view (choose either Xcode project view or files view). Does this help?
Hi Alexander,
yes, great, you are right!! When using the "Files" view, it is fast and when switching back to "Scope/Project Files" and then trying to modify the project, it immediately gets slow again. So I will just use the "Files" or "XCode Project" view. I don't need the scope view, so this won't be a problem. But I assume you will nevertheless fix this issue until the final version? :-)
Thank you for your help! Now I can use it again, great!! :-)
Kind regards
I tried changing to files view but it's still extremely slow when editing a macro in a header file that is included in pretty much every file in the project.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the problem is that the project is recompiled every time you change the header file?
I have about 300 files in my project (~ 150 .m and 150 .h).
I attached a CPU snapshot.
PS: I can't wait for appCode! It's awesome!
Should have been fixed in the latest eap (108.1066)
And it was :)