Hide External Libraries view from pane project
Pycharm project pane always shows a view to "External Libraries", in my case, always the Standard Python Library. Since I never need to explore files in the External library, I was wondering how to hide this view from the project pane, if possible.
Pycharm project pane always shows a view to "External Libraries", in my case, always the Standard Python Library. Since I never need to explore files in the External library, I was wondering how to hide this view from the project pane, if possible.
I have the same question with my Javascript projects...
Hi! I believe one can switch to Project Files view to exclude External Libraries from tree:
I would also like to hide the .idea folder, it is not really part of the project and takes precious (in this particular place) space.
Pavel Karateev I agree, IntelliJ should have this feature in project view.