Debugger stuck at collecting data

Hello everyone, this is my first post in the forum.
I have recently discovered Clion and I love it: it is the only IDE I have managed to make work with Linux and CUDA. Though I am having issues with the debugger.
I am using the bundled gdb 7.8 debugger, but even with a simple "Hello world" like program when I start the debugger the variable window get stuck at "Collecting data..." and also the watches pannel displays only"..." instead of the variable value. Printing the values from the shell works normally. As this defeat the purpose of a graphic debugger how can I solve this problem and graphically access the variables value? Moreover stepping through a small-medium sized program feels very sluggish, while I have a respectable i7 processor and plenty of RAM.
Thanks for the cosideration, cheers


Hi Giovanni.

Sorry for the delay. Could you please collect debug logs (Help | Configure Debug Log | Add #com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger) during your debug session and send them to us (logs can be found in Help | Show Log)

Permanently deleted user

Thank you for your reply!
I attach the log folder that was generated after following your instruction, I hope it was done correctly. In the meantime I have also tested Clion on Windows 10 with Cygwin, same machine, where the graphical debugger works flawlessly.
I am looking forward to your reply, or an update if the problem is in the software rather then me, as I think Clion has the potential to become easily the best IDE available under Linux. 


Giovanni, could you please try disabling STL renderers in Debugger settings and see if the problem with stuck 'Collecting data...' goes away?

Permanently deleted user

Tried it, but there was no change. I have heard that there might be problems with the Mathematica plug in, but I do not have it installed.

I have also heard the problem will be fixed in a future release, so I'll be looking forward to it. Cheers!

Permanently deleted user

I also have this problem since I upgraded to Node 6.0

I activated the debug log as instructed by Anna and the log seems to point a to a node_modules we use to simplify imports :

Here's the log exerpt :


2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - TypeError: Cannot read property 'Named' of undefined
at t.describeProperties (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:326:35)
at t.getProperties (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:205:53)
at DebugCommandProcessor.t.processDebugJSONRequest (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:412:15)
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Instance.js:236:6
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:153:4
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:365:16
at replenish (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:831:29)
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:842:29
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:804:16
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:147:4
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:108:4
at tryToString (fs.js:449:3)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:436:12)
org.jetbrains.concurrency.Promise$MessageError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Named' of undefined
at t.describeProperties (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:326:35)
at t.getProperties (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:205:53)
at DebugCommandProcessor.t.processDebugJSONRequest (eval at <anonymous> (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\tools.js:4:1), <anonymous>:412:15)
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Instance.js:236:6
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:153:4
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:365:16
at replenish (C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:831:29)
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:842:29
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\node_modules\async\dist\async.js:804:16
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:147:4
at C:\Borealis-Dev4\trunk\eclipse-workspace\ims\server\IMS\i18n\Loader.js:108:4
at tryToString (fs.js:449:3)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:436:12)
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - WebStorm 2016.1.1 Build #WS-145.597.6
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - JDK: 1.8.0_60
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Vendor: Oracle Corporation
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - OS: Windows 10
2016-05-02 14:20:46,976 [3428049] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Last Action: GotoFile




Giovanni, do you have mm files in your project?

Are those Objective-C++ files or something else?

Permanently deleted user

2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.5 Build #IU-143.2332.3
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - JDK: 1.8.0_40-release
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - OS: Mac OS X
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Last Action: Debug
2016-05-06 17:30:07,090 [ 779630] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - TypeError: Cannot read property 'Named' of undefined
at t.describeProperties (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:320:35)
at t.getProperties (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:203:53)
at DebugCommandProcessor.t.processDebugJSONRequest (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:399:15)
at getAProductCatalog (/Users/jgibson/aaa-api-tests/fishfinder.js:131:5)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jgibson/aaa-api-tests/fishfinder.js:158:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
at Module.load (module.js:456:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:415:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)
org.jetbrains.concurrency.Promise$MessageError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Named' of undefined
at t.describeProperties (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:320:35)
at t.getProperties (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:203:53)
at DebugCommandProcessor.t.processDebugJSONRequest (eval at undefined, <anonymous>:399:15)
at getAProductCatalog (/Users/jgibson/aaa-api-tests/fishfinder.js:131:5)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jgibson/aaa-api-tests/fishfinder.js:158:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
at Module.load (module.js:456:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:415:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.5 Build #IU-143.2332.3
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - JDK: 1.8.0_40-release
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - OS: Mac OS X
2016-05-06 17:30:07,091 [ 779631] ERROR - rains.concurrency.AsyncPromise - Last Action: Debug

Permanently deleted user

I also installed node 6.1.0 yesterday so that may be part of the issues.

Permanently deleted user

No, I do not have any .mm  files.

Though the problem disappeared  after upgrading  to ubuntu 16 and clion 2016.

Permanently deleted user

I was about to raise this exact issue against Node 6.1.0 - I have tried both Webstorm and PHPStorm and they both hang every time with collecting data.  I can set breakpoints but I cannot look at any variables, the immediate window does not work either.    Is there anyway this can be fixed, as I would like to do some work with latest Node and currently I am unable too.

Permanently deleted user

@Stephen agreed it's painful as this feature is one of the ones I use the most.

I'm on an enterprise licence if that helps fast track anything.

Permanently deleted user

Any updates?

Permanently deleted user

Is this the right place to submit this? Or is there a better avenue to support?


@Jeff @Charles, you seem to have issues with Node.js debugger. (

The issue should be fixed in the latest 2016.1.2 update.

Permanently deleted user


Depois de muito pesquisar, fazer vários testes e quebrar a cabeça, consegui descobrir e contornar o erro "Collecting Data.." no debug do PHP Storm que pode ocorrer ao tentar visualizar um array.

O motivo é que caso dentro do array exista algum conteúdo com caracteres especiais ou que possam gerar problema de charset, ele retorna o erro "Collecting Data..".

Por exemplo: havia um campo com o valor "Devolução de 13º". Ao retirar o cedilha, til e caractere de numeral, o debug mostrou normalmente os registros.

Ainda não sei como resolver de forma definitiva. Mas ao descobri que este era o motivo, consegui contornar o teste usando conteúdos sem estes caracteres e finalizar a implementação necessária.

Se alguém descobrir como solucionar de forma definitiva e quiser compartilhar...

Permanently deleted user

check this box in settings and it will work.


Thank Youngjizhan, that solves it for me


Thank Youngjizhan, it solved for me, too.
How could it unchecked itself from one moment to the next? Or what happened that in one minute everything was fine and in the next it was not working?

