Code Analysis find errors but code builds without any errors.


I've just started using clion1.1.1.
The question I have is where to find the errors and warnings reported in the code analysis in the right hand side of the IDE
and positioning the mouse over the red exclamation mark.  The analysis tell me that it found 6 errors but the code builds and runs fine.



Hi Charles.

Please open View | Tool windows | Messages. Does that help?

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for replying.

I actually have the messages window open but I see no errors, only in Performimng Code Analysis window.


You can go through code analysis errors in the current file via F2/Shift+F2 shortcuts. Howewer if the code compiles and runs fine, it might be an issue with code analysis. Could you please provide the errors you've got with code to reproduce?

Permanently deleted user

Thanks Anna for replying.
Don't have any code analysis errors at present but will reply back when the error appears again.


So here's my problem guys, I have 1080 warnings and 5 errors across 200 files in my huge repo. Am I supposed to just “expand all” and “scroll” until I find the 5 errors amongst 1080 entries? Expecting a tabular view with filter/search/sort here seems to be trivial isn't it? Don't push me back to Eclipse! I like your IDE!! Even though your “all products” license does not include your AI Assistant!!

