intellij refuses to compile
i created a new project, a newfile, tied to run it using right click/run. i get this error message:
Clojure Compiler: The system cannot find the path specified, compiling:(C:\Users\hod\IdeaProjects\ClojureSandbox\src\experiments\MultiMethod.clj:1:1)
the file exists
the file content is
(ns experiments.MultiMethod)
(defmulti fac int)
(defmethod fac 1 [_] 1)
(defmethod fac :default [n] (*' n (fac (dec n))))
(print (fac 5))
any ideas?
i'm using intellij 12.1.4, windows 8. i have some files under ubuntu that work, and i don't see a difference
"compiling" an empty file works fine
edit: found it! in the settings, if i disable clojure compilation, i can run the file. so somehow, la clojure doesn't compile the files properly....