All clojure actions disabled in fresh install of both IDEA 10 and La Clojure
Hi there!
I have a new install of IDEA 10 (10.0.1) with a new install of La Clojure (0.3.74) on Mac OS X (10.6.6).
When I create a new project and add a new Clojure file with e.g.
(defn foo [a b]
(+ a b))
(defn bar [a b]
(- a b))
All I can do is launch a REPL with the complete file. The menu Tools->Clojure REPL only has "Nothing Here" text and the "Enter Action Name" search shows some disabled Clojure actions.
So, all the "fun" stuff like "send s-exp to the REPL" etc is either gone or disabled in my IDEA! :-(
Does anyone have any idea of what is going on?
Per Møldrup-Dalum