groovy project from maven pom
I am importing a maven project that has java files under src/main/java and groovy files under src/main/groovy
Only the java files are recognized as source files in Intellij and the groovy files are not.
Is there a way to fix that in the pom some how?
After I read a little in the forum I tried this in my pom:
It didnt help...
Which IDEA version are you using?
Intellij 10.5.4
How exactly do you import the project, which actions do you invoke for that?
Well it is a part of a greater project which I imported through maven.
When I did svn-update it downloaded me this new project that has been added to our project tree.
So it just poped up a sujestion to import the project.
Basically i go to the pom in intellij, right click and select Maven -> force reimport
As the groovy sources ar configured by the plugin (build-helper-maven-plugin) they are not imported automatically.
Please use 'Generate Sources and Update Folders' action as desribed here: