Can't create groovy facets
Hi everyone,
I've been running IDEA 8.1.x with groovy 1.6.3 for some months without any problem. Now
I've upgraded to groovy 1.6.5 and I am not able to create a groovy facet anymore. When
I create it and hit "Apply" or "OK" the facet disappears again. If I want to compile a project
IDEA always tells me "Cannot find groovy home for module ..." There are no error-messages in
the log. I have also removed old groovy-libs from the configuration and from the classpaths of
the modules but nothing helps.
Does someone has a hint what could be wrong? I saw some posts regarding this problem
but with no answers that could help me.
IDEA 8.1.3
Ubuntu 9.04
Groovy 1.6.5
Sun JDK 1.6u16
Could you please attach ipr and iml files of your project?
I've created a simple test-project to see if my project-files are inconsistent. But the problem stayed so
I had a look at my groovy setup. Then I set up a groovy-installation (also 1.6.5) without additional libs
in <groovy>/lib and it worked. After some try'n'error I found out that the lib groovy-xmlrpc-0.4.jar
caused the problem. Maybe it's incompatible with 1.6.5. Anyway - the behaviour of IDEA is really bad -
no error-messages, simply nothing.