Status and roadmap?

Is there any kind of road map for what work is planned for the plug-in?

Any idea when we're going to see more refactorings? (such as introduce

Would examples of syntax checking problems be helpful?

Scala is a very young language and IDEA could potentially grab a huge
market share among developers but to do so, it's going to need to
deliver more than what it has now.


Plugin work is in progress. Now my main work is on fixes of highlighting (which is disabled by default, but main issue is to have it enabled by default), small features (like simple inspections or quickfixes, spring support etc.), and performance improvements.
I'm sure this part of plugin is main for all users, so it's the most important for me to do.
Refactorings are also will be done, but work on them is not in progress now.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

Permanently deleted user

Alexander, et. al.

The scala plugin has come very, very far from when I started using it in October.  For the most part, the editor just works.  Performance is reasonable (much, much, much better than it was in October) and most of the error highlighting works.

I'm glad to see that you are focusing on turning on error highlighting by default.  This is the biggest confusion for coworkers just starting out with the plugin.

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Permanently deleted user

Oh, one more thing, method refactoring would be awesome to have :->



Which specific method refactoring are you missing?

Permanently deleted user

BTW Alexander, since method refactoring is mentioned on this page, I found a bug with the "rename method" refactoring when the method name has backticks:

   def `my method` = true

   `my method`

Trying to rename `my method` will just refactor the method name, not its usages.


Just off the top of my head - introduce parameter, introduce field.

However, there are 9 items on the refactor menu in Scala and 34 on the
refactor menu in Java. Surely some of those additional 25 refactorings
would be useful.

On 1/10/11 12:23 AM, Taras Tielkes wrote:

Which specific method refactoring are you missing?


Original message URL:


It looks to me as if the demand for a stable/working Scala plugin is growing fast (along with Scala adoption in the enterprise) and there are limited resources allocated to it (only ~2 committers into git repo).

Is there something the community of Scala plugin users can do to speed up the development ?

(I know we can contributed fixes to the codebase but you have to be really familiar with the plugin codebase and tons of free time).

Maybe we can setup a Kickstarter project ( for Scala plugin if there is a clear roadmap/milestone and vote with our wallet ?

Chi Lang

