JPA @Entity classes and Spring-beans annotations are not recognized

Any progress on this issue yet?

I heavily use annotated Spring-beans and JPA @Entitiy classes written in Scala and miss the help IDEA gives you when writing those in JAVA. Is there a chance for this to be implemented in the "IDEA-X"-version of the scala-plugin?

Language-injection for JPAQL is little helpful when IDEA doesn't recognized my JPA-entities.



Still no progress. Sorry.
I'll look at this issue soon.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

Permanently deleted user

That's great news! This issue, together with crippled languate-injection, are the only issues I have left with the scala-plugin. When these are resolved IDEA does everything I need and expect related to developing in Scala.

I'm sure this will attract more users to IDEA as a platform for developing Scala-code. Good tool-support is a must these days, and that's what's keeping me using IDEA in favor of other less mature IDEs.



In addition to these features, it would be nice to have code completion for annotation parameters working.
In recent versions of the plugin resolving works (great!), but code completion does not.

This forces me to navigate to the annotation class every time, just to check the proper names of the parameters to use.

YouTrack issue for this is:


