can't browse module
Using the Intellij 95.495 and scala nightly plugin 2039 i get the following behavior. steps to reproduce
- check out
- new project named "scala-lang" (.ipr, files in src/intellij, no modules)
- new module "library", content root "src/library", module file in "src/intellij"
- manual "scala" facet configuration, add some compiler (doesn't matter for this bug)
- mark content root as "sources"
then close the module configuration. now i can't browse the "library" module, it just shows the "scala" packe but not more (see picture). there's a spinning wheel with tooltip "Update in progress. Click to cancel"
there is a StackOverflow reported (I tried with -Xss10m, still StackOverflow). see attached file.
opening a class from the module using CMD-N works.
ok, now it works for some reason... but there certainly was a bug before, if you manage to reproduce it have a look.
So I tried a bit more and I get frequent StackOverflows using the latest plugin. For instance also when editing Run Configurations (probably related to searching the Main class: it always told me "main method not found" or similar when I specified "").
I tried a few versions, I had the StackOverflow with Build 1994, but not with Build 1986. Both browsing the Project and specifying Run Configuration work fine with 1986 (no complaints about "main method not found"). I think something went wrong between the two builds.
Unfortunately, I'm on vacation now. I'll fix this SOE next week. It's big problem, but I'm afraid, I can't fix it until next week (so don't download new nightly, it won't be fixed).
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
no hurry, thanks!
actually i also see lots of "StackOverflow" messages using 1986, but they don't break any functionality (for me).
with the 1971 version i don't get see any errors reported.
are there any news on this issue? is there a ticket i can follow?
thanks: lukas
I remember this issue. As I understand SOE is main problem mentioned by you? So it's a big problem which will be fixed soon. I put a message here when it will be fixed. Sorry for inconveniences.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkahlyuzin.
Yes, i frequently get StackOverflows (updated to the latest Maia / Scala today) like the in the attached file.
Also, when "Typers.scala" is open, IDEA constantly uses 100 % CPU (when doing nothing), it never gets to idle (at least not in 20 minutes).
It should be fixed now.
Problem was with code like:
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Great, the SOEs are fixed! Thanks very much!
When I opened a not-too-huge file (Parsers.scala, 2750 lines) IDEA took full CPU for around 2 minutes (100 - 360 % on a Dual Core i7 with hyperthreading).
When I opened Typers.scala (4350 lines) it took full CPU for 5 minutes or so, then went to idle. Then I started navigating around in the file CPU went up to > 100 % again,
and stayed there for another 2-3 minutes. However at some point it went to idle even when navigating / editing.
So things work nice for me again. I guess the CPU usage is as expected?
Cheer and thanks again!
I tried to improve performance. (see next IDEA X nightly)
Now for me its 1 min for Parsers.scala and 3 minutes for Typers.scala (for average PC). It's still too much, but I hope I'll find a way to improve it more.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
I switched to IdeaX and the latest scala plugin, and I can confirm a significant speed up for parsing the files.
Many thanks for your great work!
PS. I also like the ('var' could be a 'val') feature!