Exception Trigger


I had this code (from a combinator parser class):

    varName: Parser[String] =
        boundVar(nameSym) | implicitVar

    boundVar(np: => Parser[String]): Parser[String] =
        Parser {
        in =>
            np(in) match {
                case s @ Success(varName, _) =>
                    if (isBound(varName))   s
                    else                    Failure("variable \"" + varName + "\" is not bound", in)

                case ns => ns

And changed it to this as part of an experiment:

    varName: Parser[String] =
        boundVar/*(nameSym)*/ | implicitVar

    boundVar/*(np: => Parser[String])*/: Parser[String] =
        Parser {
        in =>
            /*np(in)*/ nameSym match {
                case s @ Success(varName, _) =>
                    if (isBound(varName))   s
                    else                    Failure("variable \"" + varName + "\" is not bound", in)

                case ns => ns

And when I did that I started getting an unending stream of exceptions from the Scala plug-in. When this happens I have to restart IDEA. Only this time the exceptions began again as soon as I opened the project and without me doing anything at all after opening that project. So I backed out the change while IDEA was shut down. When I started it again the exceptions did not occur.

Randall Schulz

