javadoc integration?

Howdy, just wondering if it is possible to get javadoc integration for SCALA working with the current implementation? This isn't a feature request inasmuch as just a check to see if the plugin with idea 8823 build (8858 gives me nullpointerexceptions) can do it and if I'm not configuring it correctly.

At the moment, for me, if the cursor is on the word 'Option', shiftF1 does nothing and ctrlq brings up a very basic info window (e.g. public abstract class scala.Option; extends java.lang.Object; implements scala.Product, scala.ScalaObject)

Other external javadoc and the jre javadoc work fine.

I tried greating a global scala library and attaching javadoc, but it didn't work. Although it does seem to try something because if I attach as javadoc url ( ) pressing Shift+F1 a few times will freeze idea for a while.

I also tried copying the scala javadoc into my scala sdk directory (so that the index.html file was in C:\Program Files\Scala\doc\api ) just to see but this didn't have any effect.

Edited by: fostandy on Oct 8, 2008 11:27 AM

Permanently deleted user

Well, we did not work specifically on this feature, so I believe it should fail. However until we have a decompiler for scala classes I don't see a value in investing efforts in this, since, say, method to display documentation for won't be found anyway.

Permanently deleted user

sorry, what do you mean by the method to display documentation won't be found? I just want it to launch my browser to open the url, for example

Permanently deleted user

I mean naavigation to some section inside the html. Without this it won't be a complete feature anyway.

