JSON Schema doesn't understand "array" type?
I tried to use the JSON Schema support last night, and it keeps telling me "Type is not allowed" whenever I have an 'array' type. I've tried an example from the json schema site, and I've run it through a web-based validator to make sure it wasn't something I was doing wrong.
Screencaps: http://imgur.com/a/o4Kga
Validator: http://jsonschemalint.com/draft4/
Sample Data: http://json-schema.org/example1.html
I removed the warehouse information from the last sample on the page because I saw the bug report for non-relative references not working. The rest *should* work, though, but doesn't.
I've tested given example in latest PhpStorm EAP and those are looking good:
What version are you at? Could you please try to download and test it using EAP build?
Edit: wrong screenshot. Replaced.
I was at the latest stable release, 2016.1. I updated my home machine to the latest EAP and it seems to be working there. Thank you.
You're welcome!