Forced Soft Wrap in Active Editor Window
When opening a CSV file with long lines, the editor forces a soft wrap which is theoretically to improve readability. Forcing soft wraps appears to be default behavior for the IDE.
I can turn off the soft wrap in each file by unchecking View > Active Editor > Use Soft Wraps
I have soft wraps turned off by default in preferences by unchecking Preferences > Editor > General > Use Soft Wraps in Editor
The forced soft wrap ignores my preferences.
Is it possible to stop the IDE from forcing soft wrapping? I despise this behavior. It radically reduces readability for me and is having a minor but noticible negative impact on my productivity.
Thank you,
Did you try to turn off soft wrapping in Settings -> Editor -> General -> Use soft wrap in editor ?
I'm in the same boat. As the OP also stated, I have soft wraps disabled in Settings > General > Use soft wraps in editor, but opening files with long lines I get the message at the top "This document contains very long lines. Soft wraps were forcibly enabled to improve editor performance." Only remedy appears to be the OP's strategy of disabling View > Active Editor > Use Soft Wraps in every single file which is less than desirable.

Same situation.
One workaround is to add 'editor.soft.wrap.force.limit=nnnnn' to
It is a serious readability issue for me too.
We have a corresponding request on our tracker, please vote for it:
Editing is not really a solution because the file is overwritten at each update (which is also much more problematic for EAP users like me which receive ~1 update per week). Voted for the issue.
did you edit this file in /bin? If so then it's not recommended, you should modify a copy in user's home instead, please take a look:
Note: You can select 'Help' > 'Edit Custom Properties' to automatically create a new file for your user, that should persist through updates.
However, IntelliJ keeps forgetting the wrap setting immediately. Every compare, every new file, it's definitely annoying and should be fixed.
In Line number column right click > un-checkt he Soft-Wrap [Current File | All Files]
News Versions:
Editor > General > Soft Wraps > Soft-wrap files: *
I've tried all of these, none of them work. I turn off soft-wraps, I adjust line length, I choose to wrap on * files, nada.
I configured the keyboard shortcut View > Active Editor > Soft-Wrap, and that's the only way I've managed to not just absolutely lose my mind with this
@Shean What file type are you working on? Could you please share a screenshot of a opened file showing this problem?