Auto suggest for angular 2 typescript broken
I'm not sure if it's an issue with the way they've structured their files now (the folder is now "@angular" instead of "angular2".)
But if I type "@Component( ... )" with no imports, it doesn't allow me to alt+enter to auto import "@Component" or any other angular 2 function anymore.
请先登录再写评论。 is fixed, fix will be available in 2016.2
I'm having this same issue. I'm using 2016.3.1
Works fine for me. As soon as I enter `@Compo` and choose `Component from completion, I get Component auto-imported:
The auto suggest feature worked for me until recently. Now when I type '@Component' typescript complains and WebStorm does not offer an automatic fix.
I'm currently using TypeScript 2.0.10, Angular 2.4.8 and angular-cli 1.0.0-beta.32
Anybody else having this problem?
Edit: Problem resolved. I fixed my problem by removing the .idea folder and re-importing the project.
Thank you Almar! Your edit solve my issue.