Put in SVN, took out of SVN, now missing Rails server launcher.
I had a working system and 547 files of code, etc.
I thought it would be good to put my code under Subversion.
I created a subversion repository and then did an import to subversion.
After things looked ok, I did an export to RubymineProjects.
Afterwards, I was happily editing files and the Version Control -> Show local history seems correct with a log of everything I edited.
Just now, I went to run the system. I created a Development: DummyRails configuration file.
The template for the configuration file has a red dialog box near the bottom:
Run Configuration Error: Rails server launcher wasn't found in project.
When I try to run my Development: DummyRails project, I get a red box popping out of the Run tab at the bottom of the GUI screen saying:
Error running Development: DummyRails:
Rails server launcher wasn't found in project.
What do I do to create/restore the Rails server launcher?
Hmm, I think I fixed it, but...
The Project window on my problematic system shows:
External Libraries
I just now opened a new GUI window and used Files->Reopen..->DummyRails
The Project window on the new view of my code shows:
External Libraries
And, I can now run the Development: DummyRails
I guess I opened the Directory to all my projects instead of just opening the project I wanted. Perhaps the GUI could not find what it was looking for in the enclosing directory?
I think things are working. Can you suggest something I should look at to confirm that Subversion is indeed saving my stuff?