Spring plugin
I would like to know the url for the source of the bundled plugins. There are a few plugins available in the git-repo, but I can't seem to find the Spring plugin. I want to take a look at it's sources, to find out what's best practice for Facets, XML parsing with DomElement etc. Does anyone have the URL to those sources?
Hello WarnerJan,
The Spring plugin is not open-source.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
You can use Struts2 plugin as example for these tasks which is opensource and available via http://git.jetbrains.org/?p=idea/contrib.git;a=tree;f=struts2;hb=HEAD
Thanks for the link Yann. Is that plugin v9 already? Or are there only a few differences?
Hello Warner,
that's the current V9 trunk.
Hi Dmitry,
I'm writing a plugin which needs to integrate with the Spring plugin. Where can I find some information about its extension point, given that it's not open source? What I'm trying to achieve is instruct the plugin about the type of bean a custom XML schema element is creating. I know I can put some annotations inside the XSD, but I'm not sure where to find examples for that.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Arik,
Check the "spring-tool-3.0.xsd" schema from spring itself.
The documentation comments inside should make things pretty clear.
Hi Taras,
Thanks - but I've already did, and it got my half-way. For simple XML tags where I know in advance the bean class, it works great :) But when the class is determined by an attribute on the XML tag, I'm struck out. I'm familiar with the IntelliJ plugin API, so I can implement an extension point of the spring plugin - but I don't know which one... can you perhaps point me in the right direction?