How to add support for new symbol patterns?
Hi all,
My plugin is for a language (Scheme) that allows practically any symbol in identifiers. In particular dashes are very common (like: send-request-to-server). I'd like to add support for this in two places.
The first is in the extend word selection handling - the problem is that dashes are normally considered word separators, so the first time the user presses Ctrl-W it will only select part of the identifier. I have a handler installed that correctly selects the entire identifier - can I disable the default one?
The second is in completion - I'd like to add support for CamelHumps type selection of the completion, so SRTS would select send-request-to-server. How would I go about doing this?
I was curious so I looked into this a little. Take this with a grain of salt because I could be wrong about all of it.
It looks like you replace the default ctrl-w handler via the editorActionHandler EP
perhaps: <editorActionHandler action="EditorSelectWord" implementationClass="" />
The default camelhumps works if your identifiers are all valid Java identifiers, since they aren't, to support additional characters as identifier chars i think you will have to replace CamelHumpMatcher with basically the same implementation except with your extra chars included in the regexes (in NameUtil) and wherever Character.isJavaIdentifierStart is used.
Anyhow apologies if any of this is incorrect. Hope it helps.
Thanks for the reply. I've looked into this a little too and found something for the first problem (expanding the selection) - it looks like the default word selection is done in com.intellij.codeInsight.editorActions.wordSelection.WordSelectioner. This has an extension point called basicWordSelectionFilter - I can implement this to say that basic word selection should not take place in certain PSI elements, in this case my identifiers. I haven't tried this but it looks promising.
Thanks for the pointer to the CamelHumpMatcher - I'd found that but what I can't see is how to replace it. It looks like what I need to do is to implement CompletionContributor, which actually has some amazing Javadoc (including a FAQ! Bravo). I haven't had time to investigate this properly yet.
Thanks for the feedback, though! And nice work on your Lua plugin too, I haven't tried it but I did take a look at the source - there's a lot of work gone in there.
This seems to work nicely, here's the code:
public class SchemeIdentifierSelectioner implements ExtendWordSelectionHandler
public boolean canSelect(PsiElement e)
PsiElement parent = e.getParent();
return (e instanceof SchemeIdentifier) || (parent instanceof SchemeIdentifier);
public List<TextRange> select(PsiElement e, CharSequence editorText, int cursorOffset, Editor editor)
return Collections.singletonList(e.getTextRange());
// Don't allow normal word selection for identifiers
public static class BasicWordRestriction implements Condition<PsiElement>
public boolean value(PsiElement element)
PsiElement parent = element.getParent();
return !((element instanceof SchemeIdentifier) || (parent instanceof SchemeIdentifier));
<extendWordSelectionHandler implementation="schemely.editor.selection.SchemeIdentifierSelectioner"/>
<basicWordSelectionFilter implementation="schemely.editor.selection.SchemeIdentifierSelectioner$BasicWordRestriction"/>
I haven't had a chance to investigate the completion bit properly yet, will report back when I do.
Implementing a CompletionContributor also worked nicely for the new camel hump matcher.