[ANN] SQLQueryPlugin version 1.0.9 released

I've release the latest version of my plugin.

New features:

  • Syntax highlighting for queries

  • Copy and paste actions


I would like to know on which database other than Oracle or MySQL my plugin works, so please let me know on what database you use my plugin.

Bye, Stefan.

Permanently deleted user

I actually used it a little with the JDBC eConnector for Documentum... it didn't work so good, but I think it was more a limitation of the JDBC driver than the plugin.

Permanently deleted user

The plugin also workins with db2 (7.2.5) databases!

I select "other driver" and i fill all the data
driver,class and user wrong, and when i want to update the respective data he just dont update, only keep the first data... maybe a bug?

best regards
Fernando Pereira

Permanently deleted user

I tried with jConnect 5.5 and a Sybase 11 - no joy, I get "SET CHAINED
command not allowed within multi-statement transaction" when I try "Show
database structure" or "The method
com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.RowFormatToken.getCatalogName has not been
completed and should not be called." when I try a simple select *.

The same JDBC driver works fine with jisql.


PS I noticed that I couldn't change connection data (port, host, etc) if
I entered it wrongly, I had to delete the connection specification and
create a new one.

Permanently deleted user

It works with MS SQL Server 2000 using the iNet Opta 2000 driver.

I few suggestions:
- the Open dialog should remember across sessions the last
opened folder, all the scripts I use are saved in a specific
folder and every time I hit Open I have to navigate there
- it would be nice to persist across sessions all the tabs
with the associated queries and selected database
- the table structure should show the column types in the
tree view, so you don't have to click on every column to
see its type
- the database meta data can be expanded quite a lot, have
a look at Aqua Data Studio (http://www.aquafold.com)

Thanks for a great plugin,

Stefan Stiller wrote:

I've release the latest version of my plugin.

New features:

  • Syntax highlighting for queries

  • Copy and paste actions


I would like to know on which database other than Oracle or MySQL my plugin works, so please let me know on what database you use my plugin.

Bye, Stefan.

Permanently deleted user

It works with Informix

Permanently deleted user

Regarding the update bug you have to leave the table cell before closing the dialog. If you're close the dialog while
the table is in editing the entered value is lost. I've fixed this in the next version.


Permanently deleted user

I can't test my plugin on a Sybase db but I think the 'SET CHAINED' problem is connected to the 'AutoCommit' option. Did you try it with 'AutoCommit' empty (=default) and disabled the option 'Highlight primary key columns'.
Regarding the connection editing bug see the reply above.


Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the information.

- the Open dialog should remember across sessions the last
opened folder, all the scripts I use are saved in a specific
folder and every time I hit Open I have to navigate there

The Open/Save dialog should remember the last path opened from or saved into. Did you really use version 1.0.9?

- it would be nice to persist across sessions all the tabs
with the associated queries and selected database

I don't know if it is really necessary to remember queries across IntelliJ sessions. The currently selected database is saved into the workspace file and should be selected if you open the project again.

- the table structure should show the column types in the
tree view, so you don't have to click on every column to
see its type

I will see if I can implement it some way.

- the database meta data can be expanded quite a lot, have
a look at Aqua Data Studio (http://www.aquafold.com)

The plugin is based on JDBC and I don't want to use database dependend queries to get more information.
So I can only show data provided by the JDBC meta data.


Permanently deleted user

When I set "autocommit" to default it doesn't crash - however, the
"table structure" is just a list of the role definitions in the DB, not
the user tables. And I still get the warning "The method
com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.RowFormatToken.getCatalogName has not been
completed and should not be called." when executing a select.

Looks like Sybase has some "particularities" - ah well :(

Permanently deleted user

I've looked under Google for the error message and got the following site:


I think I can implement a fix for this problem by avoiding calls to getCatalogName() if not supported.


Permanently deleted user

Stefan Stiller wrote:

Thanks for the information.

>>- the Open dialog should remember across sessions the last
>>opened folder, all the scripts I use are saved in a specific
>>folder and every time I hit Open I have to navigate there

The Open/Save dialog should remember the last path opened from or saved into. Did you really use version 1.0.9?

Yes, it works in 1.0.9. Sorry, the comment was based on 1.0.8.

>>- it would be nice to persist across sessions all the tabs
>>with the associated queries and selected database

I don't know if it is really necessary to remember queries across IntelliJ sessions. The currently selected database is saved into the workspace file and should be selected if you open the project again.

The selected database is saved and since the open folder is
saved as well this is not an issue anymore.

>>- the table structure should show the column types in the
>>tree view, so you don't have to click on every column to
>>see its type

I will see if I can implement it some way.

>>- the database meta data can be expanded quite a lot, have
>>a look at Aqua Data Studio (http://www.aquafold.com)

The plugin is based on JDBC and I don't want to use database dependend queries to get more information.
So I can only show data provided by the JDBC meta data.

I did not realize that Aqua Data Studio is using specific


Thanks again,

Permanently deleted user

Works great on MSSQL, using microsoft's own jdbc drivers.

Permanently deleted user

It works if you set the property FAKE_METADATA=true in the JDBC url, though this requires jConnect 5.5.

But I cannot get the plugin to work with stored procedures
on Sybase ASE 12. The plugin only responds 'Statement executed', but no resultset is display.

Permanently deleted user

I use your plugin with Firebird v1.0.2. I use driver FirebirdSQL (JayBird)
to connect to database.This driver your can download from
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/firebird/ (FirebirdSQL-1.0.0RC3.zip)


I've release the latest version of my plugin.


New features:

  • Syntax highlighting for queries

  • Copy and paste actions




I would like to know on which database other than Oracle or MySQL my

plugin works, so please let me know on what database you use my plugin.

Bye, Stefan.

Permanently deleted user

using it with several postgresql versions (7+). works fine for me.

great plugin.

"Stefan Stiller" <stefan@sstiller.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I've release the latest version of my plugin.


New features:

  • Syntax highlighting for queries

  • Copy and paste actions




I would like to know on which database other than Oracle or MySQL my

plugin works, so please let me know on what database you use my plugin.

Bye, Stefan.

Permanently deleted user

I've used it briefly with DB2/400 (AS400) using the jt400 jdbc. This was
just to check that I could access AS400 data so it wasn't comprehensive, but
SQLQuery did everything I wanted. This was with a pre 1.0.8 version of

"Thomas Heller" <th.heller@mx4k.com> wrote in message

using it with several postgresql versions (7+). works fine for me.


great plugin.


"Stefan Stiller" <stefan@sstiller.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I've release the latest version of my plugin.


New features:

  • Syntax highlighting for queries

  • Copy and paste actions




I would like to know on which database other than Oracle or MySQL my

plugin works, so please let me know on what database you use my plugin.

Bye, Stefan.


Permanently deleted user

It works with mm.mysql Driver !
Very powerful plugin, but you should work on an "adminstration tool" for DB (such as PHPmyAdmin (ooops sorry ;)

Permanently deleted user


i just found a minor issue concerning the display of dates.

I'm using the query plugin v1.0.9 with postgresql 7.3 and when i run a query
on a table which contains a "timestamp" field the plugin only displays the
date part of that. the field is of type java.sql.Timestamp and using its
.toString() i get the full timestamp as string.

i like the syntax highlighting, good work on the plugin.


Permanently deleted user

After commit (mode autocommit=false) the following exception is thrown:

GDS Exception. invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction

The bug goes away after server restart, but it appears after another commit.
Plugin works successfully in the mode autocommit=true.

Could you please make the connection settings in your plugin for Firebird
like it is done for other databases.

Permanently deleted user

Sorry, I missed one point. The first commit works successfully in the mode
autocommit=false. But after this, execution of any sql-command throws the
above-mentioned exception.

After commit (mode autocommit=false) the following exception is thrown:


GDS Exception. invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction


The bug goes away after server restart, but it appears after another


Plugin works successfully in the mode autocommit=true.


Could you please make the connection settings in your plugin for Firebird
like it is done for other databases.

Permanently deleted user

Dates are generally displayed without the time because I currently use the standard TableCellRenderer from JTable.
I think I will add a option to the properties which describes how the dates should be rendered.

Bye, Stefan.

Permanently deleted user

I can't test my plugin on every database so it's really difficult to fix such specific bugs. It would better if I had someone who makes the adaption for the database and sends me the changed code.

I can add handler for Firebird databases but I can only do it according to the driver and not test it.

Permanently deleted user

ah ok, just wondered cause when i do csv/xml/html export it displays the
full date/time. would be nice if you can fix it :)


"Stefan Stiller" <stefan@sstiller.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Dates are generally displayed without the time because I currently use the

standard TableCellRenderer from JTable.

I think I will add a option to the properties which describes how the

dates should be rendered.

Bye, Stefan.


Permanently deleted user

Ok. I don't mind seeing the source code. I never wrote plugins for IDEA, but
maybe I will still understand something. Please, send me the source code, I
will see if I can find this bug.


Best regards,
Sergey Bervinov (James Advent)
Java/WEB Programmer
EMail: sergey_bervinov@mail.ru
ICQ: 98681963

Permanently deleted user

This is the first time I've tried to use a plugin of this nature and I'm having a bit of trouble getting it working.

I've placed the JAR file in the plugins dir and it loads fine. What I'm having trouble with is getting it to load the driver class for my database (FireBird). I think I'm not putting the jar with the JDBC drivers in the right place so that IDEA loads them. Can someone tell me where they should go.

Many thanks,


Permanently deleted user

The JDBC driver jar must be placed into ]]>\lib .

Permanently deleted user

The source code is already included in the ZIP file used the normal installation.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for replying,

Thats what I thought and thats where I've placed it but sadly it doesn't seem to work. The Idea.log shows an exception in the plugin manager:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/resource/ResourceException
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.kiwisoft.db.driver.DefaultDriver.createConnection(Unknown Source)
at com.kiwisoft.db.Database.connect(Unknown Source)
at com.kiwisoft.idea.Utils.connect(Unknown Source)
at com.kiwisoft.idea.QueryPanel$ExecutionThread.run(Unknown Source)

I though this was because it couldn't find the jar file but maybe this isn't the case. The class I'm using is correct as I'm using it else where sucessfully, as is the URL. Any ideas would be greatfully recieved.



Permanently deleted user

I looks like the driver class was found but I other class (javax.resource.ResourceException) used by this driver was not found.

I downloaded the FirebirdSQL-1.0.0RC3 and found a file mini-j2ee.jar which contains the class. You need to place this file next to the JDBC driver into ]]>\lib.

Permanently deleted user

Does this plugin support HSQL DB? If not, do you know any plugin
that support it? Or, what should I do to modify this plugin to work with


"Stefan Stiller" <stefan@sstiller.de> wrote in message

I can't test my plugin on a Sybase db but I think the 'SET CHAINED'

problem is connected to the 'AutoCommit' option. Did you try it with
'AutoCommit' empty (=default) and disabled the option 'Highlight primary key

Regarding the connection editing bug see the reply above.




