[ANN] I18nL10nPlugin v0.3

I18nL10nPlugin v0.3 is now available.

Features available in this release:
- Added a configuration option to be able to generate a single list or property resource bundle. Instead of generating "resource" (or the configured property value) directories off directories where source files are found, it will use the specified path and filename and generate the resources in that file.

For example, if you have checked the option to generate a single resource file and its value is set to "/home/someuser/myproject/resources/MyResources", it will generate either "/home/someuser/myproject/resources/MyResources.java" or "/home/someuser/myproject/resources/MyResources.properties" depending on whether you have the option checked to generate list resource bundles or not.

- Added ability to run the string externalizer over JSP files. Currently, it will only look in Java code portions (e.g. scriptlets, expressions, declarations). I'm investigating how best to (or if at all) do this for template data.

Bugs fixed in this release:
- Emtpy directories were not being deleted properly in all instances.

You can download the latest version at the following URL. Enjoy!


