[ANN] Plugins Central Storage: All TWiki Plugin topic updated


I update all plugin topics, as i can fin, on http://www.intellij.org . Now, all plugin topics have the PluginWebForm that is classification of all plugins topics.
Then this form present in topic, TWiki can show your plugin in http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IntelliJPluginsHome

While i perform this update for existings topic, by default i'm set description also, but some plugin have no description, please fix it if you want yourself.

And some plugins that presents in http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Trash/IntelliJPlugins has no TWiki topics, then i can't place it into authomatic list of IntelliJ plugins. This is Perforce and SQLViewer. Please take a time to create the topic for plugins on TWiki, please, use form for creation on botton of http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IntelliJPluginsHome

As i can see, now is present very big list of plugins, but not all of them is have released meaning, but it development state. So, i think will be fine, if authors of development-stated plugins will rename their topics with 'Dev' prefix and change TopicClassification to 'IntelliJPluginDevelopment'. See http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IntelliJPluginDevelopment. Also, if somebody have only ideas or needen for help in development plugin, please create the 'Brainstorming' topic for your plugin on page http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IntelliJPluginBrainstorming

Thanks a lot for attension!

PS. Excuse me for non priveleged action with your topics, i just add form to its, and have no silly action with your original text, e.q. i does not edit the topic text, only set classification for it.

