Testing Plugins

Is there any other way of testing plugins without having to stop IDEA, copy jar file to plugins directory and then restart?


Couldn't a plugin be written which loads and delegates to another plugin, but loads the plugin with it's own (dynamic) classloader?

Permanently deleted user

Well, the following works for me:
1) Duplicate the IDEA directory
2) Edit the bin/idea.lax file. Change all references to the IDEA directory and to the system and config paths (scan for -Didea.system.path, you will see what I mean) -- you will need separate directories for the test version. I just use .IntelliJIdeaTest in my home directory.
3) Create a new shortcut for the test version. If you caught all the references in idea.lax, you will now be able to run a separate copy for testing plugins.

Hope this helps,

Permanently deleted user

And be able to debug your plugin would also be very nice.


Permanently deleted user

Debugging plugins is actually quite easy: Just put the settings that are provided by IDEA's remote debug configuration
(something like -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005)
into idea.lax in your test-installation of IDEA.
The settings should be appended to the key 'lax.nl.java.option.additional'.

After starting the test-instance, you can attach the debugger as with any other program.


Permanently deleted user

After starting the test-instance, you can attach the debugger as with any other program.

What you mean is I have two IDEA's running. One in debug mode (test-instance), and a normal IDEA that you remote debug from. As you do when you remote debug's your EJB's in an app.server.

I haven't thought about that thanks for the info.


