Refreshing a gradle project takes, like, forever.
Hi All, I'm using 142.3371.3. This is my 1st time using gradle. After I modified the build.gradle file (e.g. adding testCompile "org.scalatest:scalatest_${baseScalaVersion}:2.2.5"), I had to click on the icon to refresh all gradle projects or Idea wouldn't import new libraries and the refreshing process was very long (everything is fast with maven). Is there anything that I can do to speed it up?
I recommend you follow the instructions in the document Reporting performance problems and submit a snapshot so the JetBrains team can try and troubleshoot the issue.
Thanks for that page. I don't think there's any issue with the cpu nor memory usage. The problem might be with the internet connection (the exact project run fast at home, the only difference is in maven { url coporate-nexus-repository } which is replaced with maven { url } at home. Is there any way to know how long each internet request idea makes takes?
It was because of the corporate repositories. Now I use mavenLocal() only and download all the maven artifacts with maven first, then everything is fast.