Enabling automatic Git Fetch
I find myself using Git Fetch often in order to have the latest information from the Origin server.
Unfortunately, there's no default shortcut for it, and no way to schedule this operation to grab the newest operation from a remote server say every 10mns.
I have to use an external client to get this feature.
The fact that git fetch only pulls information and doesn't modify my code base is very convenient and reassuring. In fact Git manual tells you do a git fetch then a git merge in order to have a better grasp of what you're doing.
Intellij's doc states in https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/fetching-changes-from-a-remote-git-repository.html that:
Basically, the Fetch operation is intended for downloading changes from a remote repository that is different from the Origin.
Which is misleading IMHO: Fetch is made to obtain the latest information from the Origin, and optionally to download changes from another remote repo.
I'm not a long time Git use and could be wrong, but in my daily usage of Git I would find very convenient to have an scheduled Git Fetch functionality.
and related issues, esp.
> Which is misleading IMHO: Fetch is made to obtain the latest information from the Origin, and optionally to download changes from another remote repo.
This is not correct. Fetch downloads all changes from the remote repository. Not optionally but by default.
At any case, scheduled git fetch looks reasonable, please follow requests mentioned by Stephen.
Any update on this ?
It's a must to have feature. Other git tools like SmartGit offers this feature even in their free version.
There is GitToolBox plugin that adds the automatic fetch
Hello there!
Any plans on natively supporting this?
I really would like to see this added (to Rider) as well please.
Why would any developer not want to know that they are now behind on master\main (without having to always periodically fetch or do anything)?