Cannot create play project in latest EAP


when trying to create a new play project in scala or java it is always unsuccessful and the dialog for creating project just never completes if I close the dialog window the project opens with nothing in it although the files have been created on the system. I have also tried creating play project outside of Intellij but I still can't open it as a project even after running play idea command. Is any one else having issues creating play projects in the latest EAP 129.60?


Permanently deleted user

I have the same issue (new project creation hangs forever), except I can create a project using play and run "play idea" and then open the project in IntelliJ.  However, doing that basically just lets you use IntelliJ as a smart editor with code completion, which is better than nothing.  I still have to use the play console for everything else.

One thing I had to do when opening it in IntelliJ was disable external compilation.

What are you running on?  I'm wondering if this is specific to a certain environment, like OS X?

My environment:

- IntelliJ Ultimate 12.1 EAP, build 129.60
- Play 2 and Scala plugins from the Jetbrains repository (I tried the scala nightly and it was completely broken)
- Mac OSX 10.8.3
- JDK 1.6.0_43
- Scala 2.10.1 (installed via Homebrew)
- Play 2.1 Final (installed via Homebrew)

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe they aren't supporting Java 6?  Play itself doesn't require Java 7, but I noticed in all the tutorial and blog screenshots from Jetbrains, they were using Java 7.  I don't have Java 7 installed right now, because when I first got IntelliJ 12 (right after I switched to a Mac) I had problems running it with Java 7.  But maybe I'll give that a try.  I've only tried Scala - I was going to try Java module, but after seeing your post, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

Permanently deleted user

Hi, Mike
the only difference in my setup is that I'm using java 7 on mac and did not use homebrew to install scala etc. I can open a project of sorts if I use the command play idea but when it does open I get error could not add moudle the porject opens which just contains Libraries .gitignore file etc no play project files display in project sidebar :-(


Project creation from IDEA uses "play idea" command with a few cleanups, so if it's not working outside of IDEA then it's Play 2.0 Framework bug, not ours, and we are not able to fix it.
What about play project creation in the latest EAP build, it's due to some incompatibilities and they probably will be solved as soon as we will upload new Play 2.0 plugin.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

Permanently deleted user

I've tried all sorts of configurations and eventuly found I could create project outside idea then run the command play idea command and then open the project. But then I have all sorts of problems with dependcies and scala versions build paths that lead to scala versions I'm not using and I don't know why that happens?


Any solution to create Play 2.0 project currently requires SBT (there is no other way to do it actually). There are only third-party solution for generating IDEA project from SBT, however we are on the way to implement our own SBT plugin to make it much more usable and solid.  After we will implement it, we will add to Play 2.0 plugin this normal way to create project, but before this it will be buggy and not handy anyway.
Current Play 2.0 plugin tries to fix some weird things of SBT IDEA project generator, but if you do it from command line, you have to clean up things manually (probably you can submit some reports to Play team, but we are planning to change things with IDEA SBT integration soon, so probably they won't do anything earlier).

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

