Leda 120.305 selection in Project toolwindow
Selection in project Tool window seems to be broken it is still doesn't horizontally scroll to the selected item when Ctrl+F1->Project and currently it selects the entire tree row vs tree item as it used to be.
Whole row selection is an intentional change, not a breakage.
IMHO it doesn't look good, maybe there should be an option to disable it, what about horizontal scrolling of the selected item in the view. e.g. goto element and then need to manually scroll to locate the element.
I like the new selection actually :)
It is obviously subjective but having old selection as an option wouldn't hurt :) I've never seen this kind of selection in any other application yet. It would make sense to select a row in a grid with multiple columns but in this case there is always only one element to be select.
Have you seen Windows Explorer?
Yes, and it doesn't select the entire row, I'm looking at XP thought. if community likes the new L&F I giveup, but regardless of selection Ctrl+F1 doesn't scroll to the selected item, just choose some long package structure in tree view and try to goto project, it highlights but item is not visible.