[IDEA 11] Most of user plugins don't work anymore


IDEA 11 is not usable for me since most of user plugins do not work anymore because of API changes (mainly "Error while registering component: com.intellij.openapi.components.OldComponentConfig").

I have 2 questions:

1. OpenAPI for IDEA 10 did not introduce major breaking changes compared to IDEA 9, most of plugins still worked. It won't be the case for IDEA 11?

2. As plugin developer, is the OpenAPI stable enough to start migrating plugins? Do you plan to provide a migration guide?



Maybe some documentation about breaking API changes would be useful for each major version, as done for IDEA 9: http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/IDEADEV/API+changes+in+IntelliJ+IDEA+9+%28Maia%29


Hello Sylvain,

IDEA 11 is not usable for me since most of user plugins do not work
anymore because of API changes (mainly "Error while registering
component: com.intellij.openapi.components.OldComponentConfig").

This specific problem looks like a bug, not something that couldn't be avoided.
Please file a YouTrack issue with a stacktrace of the exception and a link
to the plugin that didn't work.

I have 2 questions:

1. OpenAPI for IDEA 10 did not introduce major breaking changes
compared to IDEA 9, most of plugins still worked. It won't be the case
for IDEA 11?

API changes in IDEA 11 will be more extensive than those in IDEA 10; it's
likely that many plugins will need to be adapted.

2. As plugin developer, is the OpenAPI stable enough to start
migrating plugins? Do you plan to provide a migration guide?

We haven't yet completed all the planned refactorings; there will be more
changes in subsequent EAP builds. We will publish a document describing the
API changes.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Hi Dmitry,

Ok I did not take time to investigate since this issue was reported for most of user plugins I use:



