Inspection "Log statement not guarded by log condition" feature/bug requests + one related
I just filed a number of requests related to inspections for guarded debug statements. Please add your vote or comments if you are interested.
IDEA-72638 Feature "Log statement not guarded by log condition" inspection should offer option to flag log statements with constant arguments for coding convention enforcement
IDEA-72636 Bug "Log statement not guarded by log condition" inspection fails on custom logging methods with method signatures different from log.debug(String)
IDEA-72635 Feature "Log statement not guarded by log condition" inspection should support subclasses of the Logger class
Also, related to finding unguarded debug statements, I would it if IDEA could flag variables which are referenced only by code inside blocks guarded by isDebugEnabled(), but are initialized outside the guarded block.
IDEA-72640 Feature New inspection "Variable only referenced by debug code is initialized outside"