GIT workflow
what is the suggested workflow to work with Git projects (e.g. the IntelliJ community version). Just opening the project regularly leads to modified files in the .idea directory. These uncommitted changes cause operations like Checkout Branch to fail and sometimes seem to cause IDEA to reload the project. On the other hand, I don't want to commit any changes that I might have made to the project settings back into the repository.
Hello Dirk,
it is possible to commit and not to push back to the repository. So it is
safe to commit
Thank you
Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hi Dierk,
In addition to commit/push difference mentioned by Anna - you can also configure your Git to ignore idea project files - see gitignore usage.
I.e. you can simply configure git to ignore IDEA system files. That makes them disappear from IDEA 'Changes' view as well.
Regards, Denis
Sorry, just rechecked gitignore documentation and noticed that it affects only untracked files. You can try to use git-update-index with '--assume-unchanged' key.