How can I clear accumulated code coverage information?
I am using 94.426 and attempting to use the code coverage feature for the first time.
I have it working, mostly, but I'm stuck on how to clear coverage information from previous runs of my application.
Any tips?
Thanks -- Randy
Hello Randy,
if you use IDEA coverage runner then you can simple right click on gutter
mark in editor and "close" coverage information. In both cases you can choose
"No coverage" in Analyze|Show Code Coverage Data
Thank you
Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
I'm confused. When I ask to see the code coverage information I'm in the source code editor and I see red and green bars on the left side. I can't click on those and get a "close" option. (I'm running 94.426 on OS X).
I can see the "No coverage" option as you describe and that turns off the red and green bars (I see no % indicators...) but the coverage "suite" is always the same - something dated from the start of the month.
I must not understand what a coverage suite is and how I can get rid of the one I have and start a new one. I'm concerned that I'm just adding data to an old default suite and I'm not getting clean information.
Thanks in advance for any tips!
-- Randy
The "Run..." dialog for unit tests has a "Coverage" tab that allows you to configure coverage collection.
Ctrl+Alt+F6 brings up a pop-up panel (also available from the main menu: Analyse > Show Code Coverage Data)
You can either select "No Coverage" or delete any of the coverage suites by pressing Delete key.
If you wish to hide it:
Right click folder -> Analyze -> Hide Coverage
After the newer update, it seems the "Hide Coverage" option is removed from the Analyze section. You can find the "Hide Coverage" option in the "Run" menu