Google App Engine facet uses absolute paths

We are building a Google App Engine application in Python, so we added the GAE facet. The configuration of the facet requires the SDK directory. This directory is stored as an absolute path in the .iml file.

<component name="FacetManager">
  <facet type="google-appengine-python" name="Google App Engine (Python)">
      <option name="rootFolder" value="ABSOLUTE_PATH" />
      <option name="sdkFolder" value="ABSOLUTE_PATH" />
      <option name="templatesFolder" value="" />
      <option name="oauth2" value="true" />

Not all people on the team don't install at the same place and we have folks on Windows, Mac and Linux. We have tried to create Path Variables in IntelliJ without success. This is almost as showstopper as it makes it very hard to put the .iml in source-control. We are using IntelliJ Ultimate 14.

Is there any known workaround?



Hi Gabriel,

it is known issue --  PY-14126 Please vote it to get notified once it's fixed.

