"Server is not connected. Deploy is not available." in tomcat

Hi, I'm running into this error while trying to deploy to a standalone tomcat.  I've read around here and the rest of the web where people have reported similar issues.  So far I've done the following based on what I've seen

  1. Ensured that IntelliJ and Tomcat are running the same version of Java
  2. Ensured that I'm using the latest version of java.  In this case jdk1.7.0_71.
  3. Ensured that I'm using the latest version of Tomcat (7.0.57)
  4. Verifed that there's no setenv.sh/bat
  5. Verified that there's no setting of JAVA_OPTS in catalina.sh
  6. Have tried using both the 'run' and 'start' commands to catalina.sh

Despite the above I'm still getting the
/Users/ericholiphant/opt/app-servers/gs-apache-tomcat-7.0.56/bin/catalina.sh start
Tomcat started.
[2014-12-10 11:13:37,244] Artifact grantsolutions.war:war: Server is not connected. Deploy is not available.

errors at startup.  

I get no other information that might clue one into the nature of the problem.
