"Server is not connected. Deploy is not available." in tomcat
Hi, I'm running into this error while trying to deploy to a standalone tomcat. I've read around here and the rest of the web where people have reported similar issues. So far I've done the following based on what I've seen
- Ensured that IntelliJ and Tomcat are running the same version of Java
- Ensured that I'm using the latest version of java. In this case jdk1.7.0_71.
- Ensured that I'm using the latest version of Tomcat (7.0.57)
- Verifed that there's no setenv.sh/bat
- Verified that there's no setting of JAVA_OPTS in catalina.sh
- Have tried using both the 'run' and 'start' commands to catalina.sh
Despite the above I'm still getting the
/Users/ericholiphant/opt/app-servers/gs-apache-tomcat-7.0.56/bin/catalina.sh start
Tomcat started.
[2014-12-10 11:13:37,244] Artifact grantsolutions.war:war: Server is not connected. Deploy is not available.
errors at startup.
I get no other information that might clue one into the nature of the problem.