Find usages not working (Alt+F7)!


Hello there.
I have been using IntelliJ for 4 year.
I have 10.5.2 U.
My problem for some reason find usages and ispections have stopped working.
My classes get highlighted for deletion and when I try to find usages of variables that are used many times at the same class it finds nothing.
Things I tried:
1. Recreate the project/modules
2. Reset ide settings to default
3. Use EAP 110.187
4. Removed some external plugins

What is strange though is if I use the text search (crtl+shift+F) it finds all of them in all the classes.?:|

Any hints?


New geforce experience registered some shortcuts including ALT+F7, I found it using ( HotKeysList ) and after some investigation I found that it is related to the share feature from it (which it is enabled with alt+z but registers some shortcuts globally). You can disable it in the configuration, or reconfigure shortcuts after pressing alt+z. Hope it helps someone :) as I tried the invalidating cache and it didn't work.

Permanently deleted user

It was GeForce Experience's fault: 


Try File | Invalidate caches

On 11/2/2011 9:18 PM, Zisis Pontikas wrote:

Hello there.
I have been using IntelliJ for 4 year.
I have 10.5.2 U.
My problem for some reason find usages and ispections have stopped working.
My classes get highlighted for deletion and when I try to find usages of variables that are used many times at the same class it finds nothing.
Things I tried:
1. Recreate the project/modules
2. Reset ide settings to default
3. Use EAP 110.187


Any hints?


Original message URL:


That was it.
Now why didn't I do that earlier?
Most of the time it the caches' that have a problem and a simple invalidation will fix it :D

Permanently deleted user

I had the same problem, and invalidating the caches fixed it!

Attaching Idea logs as previously requested, in case that will still be of help to the developers.


Right click on root project folder and mark directory as source and header files, It fixed for me


I have tried everythin described here. It still does not work for me. It just stopped working out of the blue. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 (Ultimate Edition) on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Windows 11
WebStorm 2022.1.4

Same issue for me. Just stopped working, for some time it was working.. and boom - nothing found..

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for posting this (I know it was a long time ago) but it was the fix I needed and it was driving me nuts.

Thanks again.



Please attach zipped idea logs for us to do cache inva
lidation automatically

Permanently deleted user

Err... do what?

I solved my problem via the menu.  Are you saying there's a different/automatic thing that can be set up?


The tip about the Geforce experience did it for me !  (as invalidating cached didn't help either)


Permanently deleted user

Thank you! Geforce Experience was the culprit all along!

Permanently deleted user

Esdras Lopez, you relieved me. Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

Yes I had the exact same problem with GeForce Experience. It is easy to test if it is running by trying shortcut Alt+Z to open it.


still not working.



Please describe the issue from the beginning. What exactly is not working? Do you have geforce experience running? 


How can Alt +F7 (please pay attention that i tried also via menu!) sometimes work, and sometimes not?! I'm on 2021.1.1.


Damn, it was Kubernetes v211.7142.13 plugin fault. Just disabled it and Alt + F7 restored. idea.log is full of Kubernetes exceptions.


This has just started to occur for me.  It is very frustrating.  I have tried the "invalidating cache", it did not work for me.  Pressing ALT+F7 or using the File menu, the search appears to be attempted but then this is displayed.  I'm using CLion 2021.2.3.

Can someone please advise how I can fix this?

Edit: I've noticed that the issue occurs for me when the usages of a function are not in the same file, it works to some capacity when the usages of a function are within the same file.  So looks to be some sort of scope issue.


Chris Nocker on what build system is your project based? Did you create it in CLion? Or did you open an existing project?


Anna Falevskaya

on what build system is your project based?

Where do I find the "build system" to answer your question?  It is a Rust project.

Did you create it in CLion?

Yes.  The project was originally created in CLion.  I have recently restructured the project, so could this have something to do with this functionality not working for me any more?


Chris Nocker please do `Help | Find Action` > `Refresh Cargo Projects`. If it doesn't help, please create an issue in the Rust plugin tracker, and my colleagues will help you.


Anna Falevskaya I've tried this and it didn't fix the issue.  I will log an issue.  Thanks.


G2bmct Please submit a support ticket at with the logs attached (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data). Describe the issue in more detail. What actions you perform and what happens instead.


Justas Vinevicius

Have you tried the workarounds from this thread?

If you have and it didn't help, please submit a support ticket at with the diagnostics data attached (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data). Describe your actions and the problem in more detail.

