EAP 8769 build and later not working on linux

Has anyone got the latest EAP release working under linux? Recent builds have been failing for me on startup under Ubuntu and JDK 6 update 10 RC - I entered this into JIRA the other day as http://jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-29798 (contains exceptions I'm seeing).

Is anyone else seeing this?

Permanently deleted user

Same issue for me on windows. Removing scala plugin allows intellij to start.

Permanently deleted user

The release notes mention this.The plugin interface has changed and that 3rd party plugins needs to be rebuold against tht latest interfaces


Bingo! A few exceptions on startup but I'm away laughing again - and of course, crying at the Scala plugin (maybe theres a newer version in the repo thou).

Permanently deleted user

the right thing to do IMO would be to cry with the Scala plugin, not at it. Since the API is being changed in every build it is impossible to produce the plugin version that would survive even 2 EAPs. So I suggest that Scala plugin moves to a 'single build' scheme.
On a side note the plugin system could have a feature that would allow plugin authors to verify the plugin is not broken in the future IDEA versions and advance 'until' themselves.

