JUnit 4.3 and IntelliJ 6.0.5 Permanently deleted user 创建于 2007年06月08日 16:02 I saw a defect opened regarding JUnit 4.3 and IntelliJ 6.0.5. Can it be fixed for 6.0.6?Thanks,
+1 JUnit running is pretty basic functionality..
The number one problem for us is http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEA-12183 and we would really like to have it fixed by IDEA 6.0.6 indeed.
Thanks! Franck for looking that up. I voted for that JIRA already.
any luck?
Thanks for pointing that out. I voted for it as well. This is also a problem on Selena build 7027.
It looks like this is now tracked under http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-17693, which is targeted for IDEA 6.0.6 and Selena final.
As a work around, if you down grade to JUnit 4.1, you'll be able to run individual unit tests again.
Hi there,
I am looking everywhere to find out how to use JUnit 4 with IntelliJ 6.0.5 and can't find. Can you please help me to find it. I need it desperately.
Thanks a lot,
On 2007-09-18 21:44:55 +0400, ramat123 <david.zonsh@gmail.com> said:
JUnit 4 is only supported in 6.0.6, which is available for download
from http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/IDEADEV/6.0.6+EAP.
Please note we haven't yet released it, so it's EAP.