Python plugin not showing all syntax highlighting

Hi Folks. We're using IDEA Ultimate 12.0.4 (newer versions have a bug where project files are not displayed - see python project shows no files after...) and Python Plugin 2.10.0 on two Macs OS X machines (10.6.8 on both), and while one shows syntax and error highlighting perfectly, the second (same configuration) does not - please see the screen shots for the differences. Some of the things that don't work are highlighting of symbols within a function (notice that the cursor is on 'undirectedSkeleton' in both screens, but only one highlights other usages), and showing unused parameters (correctly shown in gray in one, but not the other). Perhaps relatedly, the red error underlining seems to be delayed before it shows correctly, and is misleading. Any help you could provide would be really great!


Would anyone from JetBrains please comment? This is a significant problem for us.


Do the two machines use the same IntelliJ IDEA project file? Are there any exceptions in the log file (Help | Reveal Logs)?


Thank you for replying. The problem went away after upgrading IDEA and the Python plugin, and recreating the project/module file.

