Why is the *.iml file stored in project root?


Hello everybody,

the title says about all i want to know.
Isnt the *.iml file supposed to be located in the .idea folder? Why is it (by default) saved in the projects root folder?

I know i can save it wherever i want, but its just so annoying to not know why the jetbrains developers decided to do it like this.

Hopefully some of you know the answer, as i was not able to find any information about this.

Best Regards,

EDIT: maybe good to mention that i mostly use IntelliJ to create WebApplications (PHP, HTML, CSS, JS...)

Permanently deleted user

Hi Philipp,

I see at least two reasons for that:

  1. IJ used to use *.ipr file for keeping project info, i.e. it was not possible to keep *.iml at .idea dir as there was no such directory;
  2. It's easier to import a module from another project when module config file is kept at the module directory;


Permanently deleted user

Hi Denis,

thanks for your answer!

So the iml file should be in the .idea directory? Its just not possible because the system has changed?
I really like jetbrains products, but things like this are extremely annoying for me. Any chance to see this "fixed" in the future?

Best regards,

PS: i cant agree with your second point, you just made this one up :p

Permanently deleted user

I'm afraid I don't understand what kind of fix do you expect - it's possible to customize module configu file location on new module construction. It just defaults to module content root dir. Do you propose to change default locationt to .idea instead?


Permanently deleted user

As far as i understand this file, it should be located in the .idea directory.

Dont get me wrong, i know its not a bug or something, but its a strange default behaviour as it should be located with all the other project files (in the .idea directory).

Permanently deleted user

There is a lot of other files which are located outside .idea :)

Basically, .idea holds project-level configs, there is also an app-level dir (defined at idea.config.path property at $IDEA_HOME/bin/idea.properties). Module-level changes are stored at *.iml which is located at module content root by default.


Permanently deleted user

i'm relatively new to IDEA.  i've somehow accumulated a bunch of *.iml files in my project root, and i'd prefer to have them somplace else.  my question is, how can i move the *.iml files without messing up my projects?


Unfortunately, this is not supported yet: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-111848

To do it manualy, please backup (commit) your project first.

Then you can try the following:
. (You may close the project to avoid interaction with IDE.)
. Move .iml to proper location.
. Revise and correct all paths in the .iml. E.g. instead of [content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/module-name] set [content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$], and so on.
. Correct the paths in .idea/modules.xml for that module.

Various references directly into module content (not via module name), if you have any, should be corrected additionally.

Permanently deleted user

@Yaroslav, thanks for your answer.


As per this answer on a similar topic: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206854115/comments/360000834879

Dragging a file *.iml to a new folder in the from the Project Tool Window (⌘+1 / Alt-1) within IntelliJ will prompt a Move File Dialog for the .iml file.

Selecting the checkbox Search for references will find and update all references to the .iml file throughout the project.

Seems to work.


Absolutely annoying. Yaroslav Bedrov's instructions helped a little although after move module doesn't look exactly correct. But things seem to mostly work on a pure ruby project.

It is correct that default location for the `.iml` file is in `.idea`. Why pollute project with IDE files when there is already a whole directory? At least make it easy to change the location.

