python plugin: how to enable context menu to run all unit tests in folder?
Hi All,
We are still enjoying using the Python plugin 2.10.0 in IDEA 12.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.6.8. I'd appreciate your help figuring out how to enable a feature I've seen working before, but can't get to work again: Getting this context menu to show: 'Run 'Unittests in ..."'. To demonstrate the problem:
- Create a new project with a Python Module (we are using Python 3.2.3). Don't select any facets.
- Create a new Python Package (context menu) named 'main'. Repeat to create one named 'test'.
- Mark the first folder as Source Root and the latter as Test Source Root.
- In the test folder create a Python file named test-foo whose Kind is Python unit test.
- Show the context menu fo the test folder. Notice that it does not offer the option to 'Run 'Unittests in ..."'.
Thanks in advance,
AHA! I discovered the causes of the problem, which I'll share to get some feedback, and in case anyone else has it. There were two requirements:
1. .idea/testrunner.xml had 'Nosetests' instead of 'Unittests'. This is controlled by: Project Settings > Python Integrated Tools > Default test runner: Unittests. E.g.,
<option name="projectConfiguration" value="Unittests" />
<option name="PROJECT_TEST_RUNNER" value="Unittests" />
2. there had to be a placeholder file in the test directory:
import unittest
class Placeholder(unittest.TestCase):
So the correct sequence to create a working test directory runner is:
1. Create a new project with a Python Module (we are using Python 3.2.3). Don't select any facets.
2. Create this project file structure. File contents listed below [1].
3. Change the project's Default test runner from Nosetests to Unittests (Project Settings > Python Integrated Tools > Default test runner)
4. Show the context menu for the test folder and select 'Run > Unittests in ...'.
Works for me! JetBrains: Would you please comment on why it has to be done this way? It was not straightforward. Thanks -- matt
[1] File contents:
# empty
class Foo(object):
def doit(self):
return 1
from import Foo
import unittest
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFoo(self):
self.assertEqual(1, Foo().doit())
import unittest
class Placeholder(unittest.TestCase):