Switching location of Gradle user home for IDEA

For reasons of improving our anti-virus slowdown, we've moved all of our code and caches into directories exlucded by the corporate anti-virus software.

Gradle lets us do that by specifying $GRADLE_USER_HOME.  However, I notice that IDEA does not use this variable, and still puts all of it's Gradle cache stuff in the default location (~/.gradle).  There isn't any way of setting this when you select what version of Gradle you're using.

It'd be nice to put this in the same place as our command-line scripts, so things in IDEA will run faster (I've already moved my IDEA caches there, too), as well as share cached jars with the command-line version of Gradle.

Any ideas?


Douglas Bullard

Permanently deleted user

Hi Douglas,

JetGradle doesn't provide such a feature at the moment. I've created corresponding ticket IDEA-95804


