How to control options passed to GWT compiler?

The GWT plugin appears to be working well in build 5380, however it appears that the GWT compiler is always run with the "-style DETAILED" option set. This results in large .html files (close to 400k for my application).

I'd like to be able to specify other -style options in the build configuration, or at least be able to change it by editing some config file somewhere. I'd like to default to "-style OBFUSCATED".

Is there a way to do it in the current (5380) Intellij?


Permanently deleted user

Hello Nathaniel,

The GWT plugin appears to be working well in build 5380, however it
appears that the GWT compiler is always run with the "-style DETAILED"
option set. This results in large .html files (close to 400k for my

I'd like to be able to specify other -style options in the build
configuration, or at least be able to change it by editing some config
file somewhere. I'd like to default to "-style OBFUSCATED".

Is there a way to do it in the current (5380) Intellij?

No, it is not possible now. Please file Jira feature request and I will fix
it ASAP.


