Inner classes are inconvenient for navigation in the "File Structure" dialog

Hello, dear Jetbrains.

I have a simple case. I have a Class A with an inner class B which in turn has a method c().
The problem is if i'd like to go to the method c() while being in a method of the class A - i can't do that even if i know the method name. Method names for the inner clases are just not listed in the dialog. If it is possible i'd like to have an opportunutiy to list all the method from the file including inner classes in a plain structure (maybe qualified with inner class names).No i need to do additional navigation within file structure dialog, either lookup method with "quick search", which is inconvenient (because real classes a really big and have numerous invocations).

Please, note also a backward problem - being in inner classes it's difficut to go to a method in a wrapper class.

Hope you'll find this idea useful.

Thank you,

Message was edited by: Alexander Ashitkin


Hi Alexander,

It's already available at the 11.1:




Looks like there is an old jira for this IDEA-19966. Will post this there


Thank you very much Denis! will wait for the update. By the way - will it show parent class methods if invoked from inner class?


Thanks, I've closed it.



ashitkin.alex wrote:

By the way - will it show parent class methods if invoked from inner class?

Yes it does.


Unless I'm missing something, this is not working in 2019.2.3. Consider the following screenshot from java.util.HashMap:


How do I see the methods inherited by KeySet from AbstractSet, AbstractCollection, etc?


Hello David,

Currently it's not possible.

Feel  free to create feature request on YouTrack:

