Feedback on enterprise application development is needed!
Hi All,
We really need your feedback on all aspects of enterprise application
development in IDEA. This includes (but not limits to) development with
J2EE platform, various J2EE-related frameworks (Strungs, Hibernate,
Spring, etc.), web services and so on.
We would like to here every idea/problem/annoyance you can think of. You
can even just post links to JIRA issues, if there any, which are most
relevant for you. If you can say just "I wish you had..." it's also ok
for us.
In order to make all you wishes/discussions more categorized I'm posting
additional sub-topics for this message with narrower scope. Please post
all your ideas into them. (The discussion of this post should be
obviously done right beneath of it).
While we can't promise to implement every feature/idea you'll mention,
we will read and analyze every post. Let's shape the future IDEA version
Here is something I would like to see from Spring Integration:
When I am coding my bean, I would like to hit the command-key shortcut for 'Add Dependency'. This would bring up IDEA's contextual Enter class name: dialog that I could use to specify the interface name of the dependency, say UserDAO.
Then, the plug in would:
1) define a field in the class I am working on of type UserDAO.
2) define a public setter on the field
3) Search for any entries in my application contexts that define a bean of the type that I am working on, and add a property definition:
If the bean I am working on has subclasses, then:
1) the dependency field would be defined as protected.
2) the plugin would also search for any instances of the subclasses defined in the application contexts, and add property definitions for the subclasses as well.
I would like a command key shortcut for Delete Dependency..., an alternative to the Delete... operation, which would remove the field, the setter, and all associated property definitions.
This would be in keeping with the IDEA philosophy of never having to take your hands off the keyboard for common programming tasks, and it would streamline the most disruptive part of the coding process with Spring.
Why do you need it?
Sorry for my late reply...
I wanted this for EJB3 deployment, since there didn't need to be a DD
and I didn't want the generated ejb-jar.xml with EJB 2.x getting into
conflict with the annotated beans, thats why I wrote "(For now)": For a
"final" release, which creates "correct" ejb-jar.xml files, that's
unnecessary of course... unless the final spec allows to deploy without
DD, then I'd like to have that option, but as said, it was mainly meant
to be included into some form of "preliminary EJB3 support" so that it
would at least be possible to work with EJB3 easily.
Mike Aizatsky (JetBrains) wrote:
>> 3) (For now) Allow to remove even "mandatory" DD's (e.g.
>> "ejb-jar.xml") without IDEA automatically re-creating them - the only
>> workaround currently seems to be renaming it (to e.g.
>> ejb-jar-dummy.xml), IDEA seems to "dislike" this, however (some
>> strange behavior, flagging modules red, no more showing their content
>> in J2EE view etc.)
Anyone to try out the properties in Hibernate mapping files?
Maxim Mossienko wrote:
>> You could improve it by making IDEA aware of the semantics of
>> Hibernate mapping files. When I create a mapping file for a class,
>> IDEA could help with autocompletion for the definition of the
>> properties. IDEA could also intelligently rename the properties in the
>> mapping files, when I change the attributes and accesor methods of the
>> class.
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hmm, what exactly do you like us to try out, Maxim? Are there any hibernate-related features I'm missing?
Completion / renaming references to java methods from Hibernate
configuration files.
Marcus Brito wrote:
>>Anyone to try out the properties in Hibernate mapping
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
You're saying that if I have something like:
When I rename the "favouriteIde" property to "favoriteIde", IDEA will know about the Hibernate mapping reference? Wow, I really missed this one!
Yes, this should work in 5.1 EAP.
Marcus Brito wrote:
>>Completion / renaming references to java methods from
>>configuration files.
Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
And indeed it does, that's amazing. The next logical step is improve visualization and navigation.
It would be nice to have some shortcut to navigate from the property declaration to hibernate mapping, and vice-versa. Or even better, inline editing for the property mapping, in java source -- somewhat like CtrlAltI is today.
Some visual identification would be nice too, even if it's just a tooltip reading "Persistent property" when the mouse is over the method/field declaration. The tooltip/visual indication could also include some key information, like the column name mapped to that property.
Now I'm on a roll: how about some intentions to make a class persistent, that when invoked automatically creates a MyClass.hbm.xml containing the mapping for all currently declared properties. The intention would also work on individual properties, adding them to an existing mapping file.
This stuff may be borrowed from Fabrique I think
May I suggest you to check out Hibero?
Beto Software, S.L.
At first I thought it would be yet another shameless product plug, but this time I should humbly admit the excellent work here. Hibero looks like the perfect marriage between IDEA and Hibernate. Congratulations on a well done product!
At least one of my suggestions above is still missing from Hibero, thou: inline editing.
Many thanks for your praise words. This is just version 1.0 and we have many other features planned to add in future versions.
We'd love to hear your suggestions and comments, please feel free to drop us an e-mail at
By the way, could you please elaborate a bit more on the inline editing feature? The CtrlAltI shortcut confused us as in the default keymap is mapped to Auto-indent lines.
Beto Software, S.L.
My bad. The action name is "Quick Definition Lookup", bound by default to CtrlShiftI. If you invoke this when the cursor is over a code element (say, a method invocation), a window will popup showing the source code for that element -- and you can edit it right there.
This could be used to quick edit hibernate mappings: you would press CtrlShiftI when the cursor is over a field, getter or setter, and a window would popup showing the snippet from the mapping file for that property -- and you could edit it right there.
Ah, yes it sounds kind of cool. We'll see what (Open)API allows to do. Thanks.
Beto Software, S.L.
I'm experiencing the same problem. One thing that helps is avoiding "Make project" when possible, and instead use "Package file" or "Compile" (ctrlshiftF9). When compiling a single java file, it will also be copied to all the dependant web modules exploded dir.
When several web modules depend on another common web module, sometimes web.xml from this common module is deployed