include directory under excluded directory?


Is it possible to include a source directory under an excluded directory in the module settings page?

For example, I'd like to include the ext-2.2/source directory, but I don't want to include the ext-2.2/build or ext-2.2/.js files. Ideally, I could specify an exclude pattern that matches the "-min.js", "-all.js", and "-debug.js" files and include just the source ext-2.2/source//.js files. Or alternatively, I'd like to exclude the entire ext-2.2 directory and include the ext-2.2/source subdir.



Settings | Project Settings | should be on modules - look for the Sources tab in the tabbed panel to the right. Expand the directory tree on the right until you reach the directory that you wish to indicate as a source directory. Select the desired directory. Either click the Sources with the blue folder above that panel or right-click the folder and select Sources or just hit Alt-S.


Please re-read the question. I want to include a directory under an excluded directory. From the modules dialog this doesn't seem possible. See the attached screen shot.


You would have to unexclude ext-2.2, mark source as a sources directory and exclude all other directories under ext-2.2. If you mark a directory as excluded, the sub-directories do not exist. This is what prevents you from marking one of them as a source directory.


So, no, it is not possible. I don't want to include the ext-2.2 directory since it contains source files that I want excluded.


perhaps this solution would be ok for you

exclude that dir ext-2.2
create another module with Content-root pointing to inner dir source
tune dependency of modules and rules of generating jars/wars/ears ...


I also want this feature.  Reading through the replies I don't believe this is currently possible.  So I filed at feature request

Please comment / vote on the request if you like.


don't know why, but idea folks ignore this issue for many years. this is a real ass pain, especially in maven, and requested many times.


They said it doesn't fit into IDEA architecture, which was suprising to me.  I just commented on the bug again.


it's a well known advantage of software developement. you can always say it doesn't fit architecture.

