Ctrl+Space behaviour
In the latest versions of IntelliJ we've got a new feature that is available after pressing the Ctrl+Space. It is shown as an little arrow pointing to the right.
So this arrow invokes a sub-sub-menu and getting invoked also by the "right arrow" key on a keyboard. The point is that this sub-sub-menu is very annoying and in 99.9999% of cases not needed at all.
feed.setDescription("Continuous build results for the MyProject project");
If you put coursor after the "set" word and press Ctrl+Space you wan't be able to narrow down the search in a method popup just by hitting "right" arrow key. But instead you gonna get a useless submenu with no way to move the cousor.
The question is - is it possible to turn off this feature? Or even better to assign some specific shortcut to it (like Ctrl+right or something).
There is another place in IDE where this feature acts in a very inconvenient way which is Alt+Enter shortcut. I don't want to see those submenu things all the time and having a chance to hit it by mistake.
Thank you.
What do you mean by 'latest versions'? In 10.5 there is no such things. The submenu is invoked by Alt+Enter instead. And why exactly don't you like it in Alt+Enter itself? There's no conflict with anything else available there by the Right key.
Thank you, Pavel. Currently I'm on 10.0.3 will try to upgrade to 10.5.
The thing with the Alt+Enter. First of all it would be nice to keep those submenus consistent so if in one place we have it invoked by Alt+Enter it seems logical to use the same shortcut in other places.
The second point is not so obvious. The keys that user uses to navigate through the list of available suggestions is an Up and Down arrow keys. Those are "mentally" related to the Right and Left arrow keys. On a keyboard there is a separate section for all of them. So usually when you are starting to use for example Up and Down then subconsciously you starting to play with other keys like in an auto-pilot mode. I saw a lot of people doing that just to keep fingers busy or for some other reason, I don't exactly know. So this is where that menu comes from, just because of Left and Right are so close to Up and Down and they are getting pressed occasionally without the real user intention. So that is the problem with the Alt+Enter.
Thank you.
I'm a long term Idea user and I quite disagree on this. When I see this dropdown with possibility to go to the right I just know I can't press right without any reason :-)... it's like in menus and submenus, you have to treat this suggestion offer the same way. You can always go back with left key after all (unless you confirm something, which sometimes hurts... when you want to activate disabled inspection for instance :-)).
Also left-right works in Ctrl+Space offer too - as you described, it moves the cursor and so narrows/expands the offer.
I'm pretty sure Alt+Enter works consistently always, I never got the same offer with Ctrl+Space. Never. Those are two different things - Ctrl+Space is completion, Alt+Enter is intention/quick fix.
Good that you know. In my case sometimes it doesn't work if I think about something different than this menu. And it is very easy to make a mistake and disable some of the inspections just because it is extremely easy to do that unintentionally.
I don't understand your point at all. So are you also against all submenus in virtually all applications that I know? Because we have a completely similar thing: just a menu where one navigates up/down, and for some items there are also submenus invoked by Right and closed by Left. I sometimes also play with Left/Right in such contexts but this really does hurt, as Richard points out, until you choose some item by Enter. And usually I'm aware that I'm playing and don't hit Enter then :) Do you?
Yes, I did several times. Now I control myself every time I see this menu :)
Actually it is not a big problem itself, having a possibility to open a menu item by pressing "Right". The problem is with the operation that is getting opened by default in a first menu item. And this is "Disable Inspection" !!! If you invoke it unintentionally it is really hard to undo this operation. I don't know exactly where in the IntelliJ options I should look at to undo the operation that I just did. The error message is gone so pressing Alt+Enter again won’t do anything. I don’t even have an idea what I just did and what inspection I just disabled. So probably that is my major complain.
Here is it: Don't put not undoable operations into the places where it is easy to invoke them by mistake.
I agree with you completely. I think that Disable inspection shouldn't be so silent. Perhaps it could show you the Inspections settings dialog with the inspection in question selected and disabled. I'd suggest you to file a usbility problem request for this.
Ok, thank you. I'll do.
Created usability issue: