Location of caches and config (.IntelliJIdea folder)
How can we change the location of the .IntelliJIdea folder? There has to be a way of doing that since I don't want my user folder to be full of cached data (I want that on another drive).
In the previous version this could be specified during installation, but not in the newer version. I also don't see anywhere to specify this in idea.bat and idea.lax doesn't exist anymore.....
Look at the file: <IDEA-installation>/bin/idea.properties.
That should have what you need.
Check out %IDEA%\bin\idea.properties
Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"
Cool, that was exactly what I was looking for and it works perfect.
This question comes back every few weeks.
It would be easier to just display the info in the about dialog:
"About IDEA" dialog: display all the configurable paths (plugins,
etc) and options (memory, ..)
Yes, probably. Is 'About IDEA' dialog indeed the place people will look into
for this kind of stuff?
Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"
Add it to Settings-General. Seriously.
Not that bad... Those will be effective on restart only though.
Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"
Yes, it's the right place: today, we already go there to check technical
info like:
- the build number
- the jdk version
- the license owner
So, it's the right place to add more technical info.
>Add it to Settings-General. Seriously.
That's strange. 'Settings' is a place where the user tells IDEA what he
wants, and not where he queries IDEA for some info.
By analogy, if you were to display projects statistics, would you rather
offer it through a top-level menu, ("about this project", or View.Stats)
, or would you force the reach for the project settings?
I'm not talking about viewing the idea.properties, but to be able to update them. And settings-general is where I would expect to do that.
Pal Hoye wrote:
>I'm not talking about viewing the idea.properties, but to be able to update them. And settings-general is where I would expect to do that.
You're right, it's a different request. My mistake;
HI I have a related issue. I am not able to find the default folder location of config of idea 2020.1. Does any one know where is it exactly?> I have looked in to c:/users/pallavi.. but its no where found.. where else can it be?
Please refer to documentation.