[FATAL_ERROR] Cannot start Maven: Cannot find JRE '1.6'

Whenever I try to run a maven build, e.g. by clicking on the green arrow in maven projects tools window, I get this error message.   Can someone tell me how to resolve this?  Thanks.


File | Settings | Maven | Runner, JRE. specify the one which is valid. Or add new JSDK with "1.6" name in Project Structure | SDKs dialog.

Permanently deleted user

I checked that setting before -- the runner was set to "jsdk 1.6", which was the only jsdk configured.  There was no jre named "1.6" configured in the system.

But, the problem went away and has not gone back, without me changing any settings apparently.  I am marking this question as answered for now, and will watch for the problem if it comes back.

